Thursday, October 31, 2013

How Google has changed the world.....according to me.

     Google has changed the world a lot, well not the world but the internet and how we use it.  Google was and is the answer to searching the internet and doing it more effectively and with less problems unlike Yahoo and other search engines.  Google has been around since 1996 as a private research project in Stanford.  In 1998 Google went full and public through the internet and quickly became very popular search engine provider.
     Now Google offers many different things than just being a search provider.  Google offers many things like Gmail, Blogger, Google Plus, Google Maps, Google Drive, and other little things.  The best thing about it is you make one account for one of those things and it makes accounts for the other things they offer.
    Google is also a competitor to other companies that offer similar things like Yahoo and Microsoft's Bing.  There are other search engine providers out there that offer free services and some of them are actually very good competitors.
(Google's homepage as of Halloween 2013)

     Some of my complaints about Google is that they like to change things a lot. As of now one of the things they just changed is the way you log into Gmail now is no longer as fast as it once was, now it takes you to a site then you gotta click again to go to the gmail Login.
     The main thing though about this blog is abut how Google has changed everything and how easily its made things to find.  If you want to know where to find anything or how to do something, you go to a computer and then you google it.  Google has gotten that big that its a part of our everyday life now.
(Google in use)
   So its very amazing how something like Google started as a school project and then continued out of a basement into a corporate business like it is now.

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