Tuesday, November 5, 2013

DIY (Do It Yourself)

     Today i'm going to show everyone cool stuff that they can make on their own with a little time and possibly with very little cash.  Also i'm going with a more medieval themed type of projects.

     First up is a crossbow, so who doesn't want a crossbow?  Crossbows can be used for many things, defending a castle wall, shooting apples, intimidation, and annoying friends or co-workers.  Like this paper crossbow made out of things that you might have lying around your house doing nothing, http://www.instructables.com/id/Paper-Crossbow-6/?ALLSTEPS this crossbow by trek800 on instructables.com.  Now this crossbow has six easy steps and by the way it looks can be done by anyone and with stuff that your more than likely to have laying around the house.  So its a easy crossbow to make and can be fun for anyone.
Picture of Paper Crossbow
(the finished project)
The items that will be needed for this project
9 sheets of paper
4 Popsicle sticks
a marker
a ruler

    Next up is your catapult, because you always need to knock down something and a catapult is one of your best options.  Now this catapult,  http://www.instructables.com/id/Desktop-Popstick-Catapult/?ALLSTEPS by fork me3 on instructables.com, is a little more complex than the crossbow but still has very easy to follow steps and can be made without spending too much money.  the catapult itself is only desktop size and can be fit anywhere for any castle or face destruction. 
(the finished project)
The items that will be needed for this project
some Popsicle 
a pen
a ruler
hot glue gun
kebab stick
pair of pliers
twine or string
metal wire(coat hanger)
rounded top screw]\

     Lastly is your main weapon of choice and your weapon to fall back on when you're screwed, is the sword.  Now your sword can be anything like a broadsword, claymore, dagger, katana or whatever.  Instead i'm showing you this, http://www.instructables.com/id/Skyrim-Dragonbone-Sword/?ALLSTEPS by blackbeltmikey on instructables.com.  Now this sword is off Skyrim and I like skyrim alot and your sword just needs to be anything really.  Now this sword is easy enough to make and like everything doesn't require you to buy that much of anything but really cheap and easy stuff from walmart or any dollar store, and will give you enough fun for your time, money, and effort.

(finished project)
The items that will be needed for this project
hot wire cutter
glue gun
wet and dry paper
paint brushes
styrofoam of at least 25mm size
PVA glue
masking tape

       Now that i've showed you three awesome cool things that you can build on your own with friends or family and with little money.  You can go out and make these things and have lots of fun and be sure to thank the people who made these things on instrucables.com.

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