Thursday, November 21, 2013

How Social Media Sites have Changed Us

MySpace logo

Faxebook logo

    Social Media sites in general have changed the way we do things today.  We now stay in touch with our relative and friends through media such as Facebook, MySpace, Google+, and other forms. It also lets us talk to multiple friends at once from many different areas unlike how we could only do one through phone or would have to drive far and meet up to suit everyone's needs. Now everyone can be happy with the current way of social media.  Another thing that Social media introduced  games that everyone can now play and help out their friends and family by gifting items to help each other out.  One few more bad things about social media is the drama that follows with it and scams that can happen.  Also its not healthy for people themselves to stay cooped up in their homes at their computers desks and also it can have them neglect their other duties in the process.

     So as you can see that's how social media can be bad and good. So here's my little blog on Social Media sites and how they have changed us.

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